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Monthly Archives: February 2011

Writing: Jump Idioms

There are so many idioms with the word jump…it lends itself to a great writing activity about idioms and word choice. If you have access to a computer, this is an ancient, but very funny cartoon to use as a …
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Word Puzzle: Your Healthy Heart

There are many ways to stay healthy- eating the right kinds of foods, getting enough sleep, drinking lots of water, and EXERCISE. Keeping active keeps your heart pumping! Ten words to keep you healthy are listed below and hidden in …
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Posted in For Kids
Tagged Activities, Health, Parents, Print-Out
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Word Puzzle: Jumpers

Animals jump. People jump. Nine words about jumpers are hidden in this puzzle. See if you can find all the hidden words listed below. Draw a circle around a word once you’ve found it. When you’ve circled all nine words, …
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Word Puzzle: Make a Difference

We can each make a difference in our world, by lending a helping hand. Eleven words about ‘making a difference’ are hidden in this puzzle. See if you can find all the hidden words listed below. Draw a circle around …
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Posted in For Kids
Tagged Activities, At-Home, Parents, Print-Out
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Art Activity: Cut-Out Puppets

Here are two sets of cut-out puppets you can do at home. Decide whether you want to play with the colored ones, or whether you want to color your own. You can also add glitter, ribbon and other decorations with …
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Art Activity: Coloring Pages

Here are three pages that you can color at home. Click on the one you want to work on first. Then ask a grown-up to help you print it out. Jenny loves the color blue. What’s your favorite color?

Art Project: African Magazine Beads

The book can inspire a host of art projects, from making African style masks to musical instruments to beads. The children in Jumping Jenny contributed to the fundraising fair in all different ways. One of the fun things that they did was make beaded jewelry. Uganda has a tradition of making beautiful beads out of magazines called Mzuri beads. These are fun to make with your children and with some advanced planning, you can even control the color schemes of the paper you use. It is also a great way to recycle your old magazines. Depending on the amount of time you have, and the age of your children, you might want to prepare some of the magazine strips in advance.
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